Thursday, May 6, 2010 a Nutshell

Updating once a do I keep up? Anyways....It's been a busy month. Charley is now almost 11 months old. She has had quite the month. It started with an ear infection. She went to the doctor got medication and 2 weeks later she still had the ear infection. We then moved on to antibiotic #2 and were back at the doctor's office 10 days later and given antibiotic #3. We tried that medication for 3 days, which didn't help so we ended up having to get an antibiotic shot. Thankfully it worked and she is now ear infection free. Today, however, she has a slight fever. I have given her motrin and am hoping her temp comes down. I guess we'll see. I think the doctor is sick of seeing me. The doctor said the ear infection could be related to the fact that she has cut so many teeth in such a short amount of time. She now has 6 teeth and I'm pretty sure she is cutting two more....yikes!

Justus is doing great. He started speech therapy last month and has been going every Monday for 30 minutes. It's going pretty well...although he is still having a hard time sitting at the desk to work. The teacher says he will usually work, but wants to stand. He also gets distracted pretty easily. We have two more weeks of speech and then he will start pre-school in the fall. I asked the teacher regarding his attention span and she said that we would wait until he has been in school for about a month and see where he is at. I'm really hoping that once he gets into a routine and is around other kids that the attention thing won't be a problem. I guess we will find out. He is talking quite a bit more and pretty clearly most of the time. He still jumbles some stuff together, but it's getting better.

Matthias has also started talking much more. He sometimes is easier to understand than Justus, but not always. He has a little bit of a lisp, but I asked the speech therapist about it and she said we shouldn't be concerned. One thing that has changed is that Matthias has finally hit the "terrible twos". He has been rather defiant lately and says no to everything. He also will throw little fits. They aren't too terrible, and usually nothing compared to Justus' "terrible twos", but definitely a huge change from his usual laidback attitude.

Jon and I also got to enjoy a little time away last month. We took a trip to Silver Spring, MD. We were there for Jon's uncle's memorial service. It was a good trip and we had a good time visiting with family and also seeing the sights in Washington, D.C. As of now, we are planning on taking our house off the market when our contract expires in the next few days. We have had very little interest and with Justus starting school in the fall, we figure it will be easier to wait. We have decided we are going to make some new windows and siding...before putting it back on the market in a year or so. We are also planning on staying here in O'Fallon. That could change I suppose, but as of right now that is the plan.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh my goodness! I really need to be better at balancing both blogs. It's been over a month since I updated. The past month has been a pretty crazy one. Frist of all, I stopped potty training. Justus is still being very stubborn about the whole thing, and it is just a lot to handle at this point. I'm hoping to attempt again over the summer. We had a week full of stomach bugs also.

Speaking of Justus, he had his speech evaluation and we go in for a meeting about the results next week. I'm looking forward to what the speech therapist has to say and finding out if he will be starting pre-school next year. He is doing pretty good other than that. He has been talking in more and more sentences, and is hard to understand sometimes, but it is getting better.

Matthias is doing great. He is starting to talk a lot more also. He is getting so big. The gap between the boys sizes is starting to close. Over the past month he was sick a couple days, which wasn't very fun. He even passed the little stomach bug to Jon and I....thankfully Charley and Justus didn't catch it.

Charley now has 3 teeth and is working on 3 more. She is going to have a mouth full of teeth for her first birthday....something neither of the boys had. She is pulling up and can even cruise a little, but I'm not sure she is fully award of it yet. No words yet, but she makes lots of noises. This past week we had to take a trip to the doctor. She was running a low fever, and pretty unhappy. At first I thought it was because she was teething, but after two days of no naps and waking up in the middle of the night I knew it must be something else. We headed to the doctor Friday morning and sure enough it was an ear infection....the first in our house. She is now on medicine and is doing much better.

The weather here has been beautiful and we have even gotten to spend some time outside. Friday we are planning our first trip to the zoo for the season....and thanks to Aunt Sarah, we have a wagon for the boys! I think they will love it!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Let the Potty Training Begin!

Tomorrow begins our adventure into potty training. I have actually been giving it a test run this afternoon with Justus. He has gone pee on the potty twice. No accidents...yet. I just am having him sit on the potty every 30 minutes or so. He complains sometimes, but he will usually sit there at least for a minute. I am actually going to attempt potty training both boys at the same time. I think I am crazy! I think Matthias is ready, but we will see how it goes. If he isn't responding well after a few days I may wait a few more months. Who knows what will happen. I guess we are about to find out. I am loaded up with pennies for the candy machine filled with M&M's, a few suckers, and some mini candy bars for when they decide to go poo on the potty.

Justus is continuing to do really well. He will be starting speech soon. I have a meeting with the school tomorrow to start the process. Hopefully he will have his first session within a few weeks. The teacher did tell me it's a long process, so I guess I will find out more about that tomorrow. I'm just hoping that he gets enough sessions in to make a difference for his re-screen in April....even if it isn't enough so that he doesn't have to attend long as there is progress.

Matthias is doing really well. He was battling some stomach issues up until today. He had been sick on Monday and he has had yucky diapers ever since. Today he seems to be back to normal, so I'm very thankful for that.

Charley has finally gotten the hang of crawling. At first I don't think she understood that she could crawl to get to stuff that she couldn't before. It only took her a couple of days to figure that out and now she is into everything. And now she is realizing that she can crawl throughout the house. I guess I will have to start chasing her soon. She is also pretty interested in pulling up. She hasn't done it yet though, but has crawled up to the couch on may occasions and reached up to grab the couch, but then doesn't know what to do. She is growing up way too fast!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Go Baby Go!

Charley is officially mobile!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We have a tooth!!! Charley got her first tooth. I checked her gums today and I can feel a little corner of her first tooth poking through. She definitely is getting her teeth way before the boys got their first tooth. I think they were both 10 months old when their first ones popped through. She's still not crawling, but she can get from point A to point B when need be. She can scoot and roll.

Justus' preschool screening went well. He scored low in his speech...19th percentile. We weren't really shocked though. They said he was speaking at a 2 year old level...which is totally understandable since the person he talks to the most is a 2 year old. They said since he did just turn 3 he really isn't that far behind although they did suggest that we start bringing him to the speech therapist. The preschool teacher is supposed to call us back next week so that we can get that all set up. After that, he will go back in for preschool screening in April to see how much progress he has made. They said hopefully him being a couple months older will make a big difference. They are also a little concerned about his short attention span. I'm hoping it's something that won't be an issue once he gets into a structured classroom. We will have to wait and see on that one though.

Matthias is doing really well. Nothing really to report with him. He seems to have hit a little growth spurt within the past couple weeks. He is getting so tall. Today he finally figured out how to open doors. He has been depending on his brother to open doors, but he figured it out today all on his own. His life just got a whole lot better!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I've been so preoccupied with my other blog that I have kind of forgotten about updating this one. Now that I am kind of in the habit of updating the other one daily I should be able to keep up with this one. Anyways...things here have been really good. January has been a busy month. We made a trip up to Springfield to do our Thanksgiving get together with Jon's side of the family since no one could make it back in November. We also spent some time with Jon's mom since she was in the hospital. She is back at the nursing home now and is doing much better. Other than Jon's mom being sick it was a great visit with Jon's family.

Justus is doing really well. We are actually taking him to a preschool screening on Friday. We are wanting to make sure he doesn't need help with his speech. We will see how it goes. We will also find out if he's on track for preschool and if he's not we will make arrangements so that he will be ready when the time comes. In other news, Justus now has his own room. After fighting with the boys every night to go to sleep...and many nights ending with Justus sleeping on the floor in our room...we decided it would be best for everyone if we put Matthias and Charley together and put Justus by himself. It has made a world of difference and Jon and I finally have our sanity back! The bad thing with Justus having the smaller room is that we had to get rid of his race car bed. It fit in the room but didn't allow for any space to put his dresser in there. He doesn't seem to notice that it's gone though.

Matthias is doing really well also. He is doing much better after splitting the boys up also. He goes right to sleep now and very rarely causes any problems. He is getting so big. He is still a momma's boy though. He loves sitting in my lap....all the time. He wants to cling to me also. The good thing is he doesn't throw fits when I leave him places and things like that.

Charley seems to have gotten big over night. She is now sitting up on her own and she is so close to crawling. I don't think it will be but a couple weeks before she is mobile. She also seems to be teething. No teeth yet, but we'll see what the next few weeks bring. She is beginning to go through a little bit of separation anxiety when I leave her now, but it's not too bad.

Other than that things are great. Check out the other blog if you want to see some pictures.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas and a New Year...gone. Things were definitely crazy the last two weeks of the year. We were running around seeing family, old friends, and trying to enjoy our time at home also. Christmas was great. Christmas Eve was spent in Mt. Vernon. The boys got a lot of great gifts and of course had fun tying out their new toys. Christmas morning was spent at home. We got up first thing and opened presents with the kids. The boys loved opening all of their presents and loved their new work bench. It kept them occupied while Jon and I opened our gifts to each other. Jon's dad and sister joined us that afternoon and the boys got even more presents. They got a new wagon from Aunt Sarah, which they loved and Jon and I are going to love it once it gets warmer and we start back up our trips to the zoo. The boys also got new race car beds from Grandpa. They love them!! I'm not such a big fan only because they take up the entire room since Jon and I didn't think to measure them before getting them into the room...oops. Oh well though. Charley got some new clothes and a few new toys as well....she really didn't know the difference though.

The boys are doing great. They have enjoyed their race car beds. Justus has sustained two injuries...a bloody, fat lip and a bruised eye. Matthias amazingly hasn't been injured yet....the key word being yet. The boys have been keeping busy with all their new toys. It is kind of nice having some new things for them to play with. They keep themselves pretty entertained for the most part. I'm so glad they are getting to the age where they will play with each other and keep each other entertained.

Charley is doing great as well. She is now eating baby food. So far she has tried carrots and squash. She loves both. She gets so excited when it is time to eat. She has also transitioned out of her baby bath and is now in her bathseat. It's so much more convenient. The only problem is that when she gets a bath the boys think it's time for their bath also. I usually just put them in the bath at the end of Charley's. They splash too much for poor little Charley.

Here is a link to all our pictures from December.

Also, I started another little blog. It's more of a project/New Year's resolution. Here's the link...